HTML Preview Project Finance Letter Of Intent page number 1.

Letter of Intent
and… (all additional partners)
The Parties state that they have initiated/will initiate negotiations with the aim to commence
the cooperation by establishing a legal partnership in order to prepare the project XYZ (short
description of the project) and to implement it in case of receiving the grant assistance from
the EEA Financial Mechanism/ the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. (scope of cooperation
mat also concern the implementation of the project itself)
Article 1
The negotiations referred to in Preamble shall commence before… (date) (please fill in if the
Parties have not initiated the negotiations yet).
The Parties state that the negotiations shall complete till … (date)
Article 2
The partnership agreement shall define in particular the responsibilities of each party in
connection with the implementation and management of the project, including the financial
management and the financial flows among parties, as well as it shall indicate the project
Article 3
The Parties shall conduct the negotiations in good faith.
Article 4
1. The Parties commit themselves to treat this letter of intent and the negotiations
confidential and will not forward to third Parties any information, documents etc. which
are directly or indirectly related to the scope of negotiations.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply when applying for the grant from the EEA
Financial Mechanism or the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
Article 5
The Parties shall take all necessary legal and factual steps in order to implement the
provisions of this letter of intent.
Taking into account the specific election procedures of the private partner, this template is not applicable in the
case of establishing a public-private partnership.

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety–nine percent perspiration. | Thomas A. Edison