HTML Preview Resume Format For Teaching Job page number 1.

Teacher Resumes
The purpose of a resume Self-marketing tool
Designed to obtain an interview
Written for the position you want
Keep in mind the “employer appeal”
If you were in the reader’s shoes, what would you want to see on the resume?
Do a self-assessment of your skills, values, accomplishments
Know what you do well
Consider creating a skills grid
School/school district:
What skills & characteristics are needed? What is their teaching focus, student population, etc?
Where to find information: web sites (see links on CS page), local newspapers, electronic databases, district
offices, alumni, teachers, parents, school board meetings.
Resume Contents
What should be on every resume?
Complete contact information
Clear objective
Education & certification information
Relevant experience
Contact Information
Your name & address
Best to have just one address
Nothing on your resume should make the reader question whether you will stay around
Telephone & e-mail
Your friends may enjoy your email but the Human Resource Director probably won’t
Make it visually appealing at top of resume
Clear, specific and brief
Be specific as to the teaching level
For secondary, include subject(s)
Note any activities you would like to sponsor: debate team, coaching, etc.
Avoid flowery statements
Start with most recent degree, list others in reverse chronological order
Degree, major, certification, college/university
Give graduation date month/year
If you have a high GPA, include it
Include current or expected licensure

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth