HTML Preview Microsoft Word - Resume Genius’S Resume Checklist.Docx page number 4.

! Resume written in an
appropriately technical
manner for your industry
(some jargon is necessary)
! Resume does NOT include
your nickname
! Resume is NOT handwritten
! Resume is NOT a video
! Age NOT included on your
! Gender NOT included on your
! Marital status NOT included
on your resume
! Resume clearly states where
you will be living in the near
! Resume has multiple
language versions when
applying overseas
! Did NOT fold resume in the
! Printed multiple copies for the
! Resume is paper clipped, not
stapled or taped
! OPTIONAL: Paid a
CERTIFIED writer to write
your resume for you
! Did NOT forget to attach
resume in email
! Did NOT to forget to follow up
with resume
! Resume conveys a clear
timeline NOT just a collection
of random experiences
! Resume does NOT include
overly obvious information
! Resume explains the
relevance of your skills to the
! Resume is customized and
targeted at the companies you
are applying for
! Resume “solves a problem
for the hiring manager,
enticing them to interview you
! Resume does NOT
prematurely discredit non-paid
experiences (volunteer and
internship work)
! Resume behaves like a sales
pitch, selling yourself as much
as possible

To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all it is possible to know about that business. | J. Paul Getty