HTML Preview Monthly Event Calendar page number 1.

May 2017 Haven Monthly Activity and Event Calendar
** Programs are subject to change based on resident’s interests and staffing abilities.
9:30-11:30 Studio 1
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:30 Continuing Ed.
10:45 Spring Crossword
1:15 Knitting Group
2:45 PM Snack
3:00 Art Cart
4:15 Famous Funny
9:30-11:30 Studio 2
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Craft: May Baskets
1:15 One-to-One’s
2:45 PM Snack
3:00 1:1 Pet Visits
3:30 Group Pet Visits
4:15 Rhyme Time
9:30-11:30 Studio 3
10:00 Advanced Stretch
10: 30 AM Snack
10:45 Cooking: Cinco de
Mayo Corn Dip
1:15 Pampering/Massage
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Communion
3:30 Celebrating Bing’s
4:15 Word Scramble
6:00 Foot Soaks
9:30-11:30 Studio 4
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 Cookies, Coffee
and Conversation
11:00 Musical
Matinee: Dixiana
1:00 Catalina
Children’s Choir
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Olbrich Botanical
Gardens Photos
4:15 Springtime Trivia
10:00 AM Stretch 5
10:30 Intergenerational
Group with Lighthouse
1:15 Musical Exploration
3:30 Birthday Party
4:15 Celebrating Cinco de
Cinco de Mayo
10:00 AM Stretch 6
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Weekly Chronicles
1:00 History of Kentucky
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 What is it?
4:15 Balloon Toss
6:00 Movie: The Story of
9:50 Catholic 7
10:00 Bethel Lutheran
10:30 AM Snack
1:00 Sunday Sing Along
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Travelogue:
Wisconsin From the Air
9:30-11:30 Studio 8
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:30 Continuing Ed.
10:30 Pet Visit and Talking
about Pets
12:15 Lunch Music by Lynn
1:15 Men’s Group
2:45 PM Snack
3:00 Art Cart
4:00 Bible Devotions
Fellowship HH 2
9:30-11:30 Studio 9
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 News Highlights
11:00 Music Therapy
with Lynn
1:15 One-to-One’s
2:45 PM Snack
3:15 Hymn Sing
4:15 Categories
9:30-11:30 Studio 10
10-1 Health and
Safety Fair
10:00 Advanced Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Bowling
1:15 Mother’s Day
Gift Assembly
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Elephants on Parade
3:30 Communion
4:00 Sing Along
9:30-11:30 Studio 11
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 Cookies, Coffee
and Conversation
11:00 Song and Story
1:15 Walk with a Friend
3:30 Baking: Crockpot
Oreo Cheesecake
4:00-4:45 Happy Hour
9:00-12 Outing:SPARK! 12
At the Children’s Museum
10:00 Catholic Mass
10:30 Theme Event:
Bunny Time!
1:15 Musical Exploration
2:30 Shabbat
2:45 PM Snack
4-5 Elderly Hand Photos
Reveal Party
6:30-8 Monona Senior
10:00 AM Stretch 13
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 The Life and Music of
Duke Ellington
1:00 Wisconsin’s Great
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Creative Expression
Artist Impressions
4:15 Reminisce Stories about
Mother’s Day
6:00 Movie: The Wizard of Oz
10:00 Bethel Lutheran 14
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Sentimental Sing
Along: Songs of Praise and
1:00 One-to-One’s
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Documentary: Stevie
Wonder Songs in the
Key of Life
Mother’s Day
9:30-11:30 Studio 15
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:30 Continuing Ed.
10:45 Visit from
Middleton Moms Group
1:15 Knitting Group
2:45 PM Snack
3:00 Art Cart
4:15 USDA Today
9:30-11:30 Studio 16
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Craft: Wall Collage
“April Showers Bring May
1:15 One-to-One’s
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Flower Arranging
4:15 You Be The Judge
9:30-11:30 Studio 17
10:00 Advanced Stretch
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Making: Peanut
Butter Puppy Chow
2:00 Lincoln Children’s
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Communion
3:30 Balloon Noodle Ball
4:15 Random Trivia
9:30-11:30 Studio 18
10:00 AM Stretch
10:30 Cookies, Coffee
and Conversation
11:00 Musical Matinee:
Glorifying the American Girl
1:15 Walk with a Friend
3:30 Finish the Drawing
4:15 Brain Teasers
10:00 AM Stretch 19
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Farewell to the
Ringling Bros
1:15 Musical Exploration
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 Traveling to Tokyo
4:15 Life Stories
10:00 AM Stretch 20
10:30 AM Snack
10:45 Discussion Ball
1:00 Word Games
2:45 PM Snack
3:30 A Day In the Life of the
U.S. Armed Forces
4:15 What is It?
6:00 Movie: My Fair Lady
Armed Forces Day

The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. | Unknown