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Student Loan Policy
Loan Limits: Student loans are limited to $57,500. Of this amount, no more than $23,000 can
be subsidized loans. When a student at Cochise College reaches $23,000 in subsidized loans, loan
eligibility for this type of loan ends. For transfer students, this includes all loan totals from all schools.
Maximum Annual Loan Amounts
Freshman (0-32 credits)
Dependent: subsidized $3,500 per school year; unsubsidized, $2,000 per school year.
Independent: subsidized, $3,500 per school year; unsubsidized $6,000 per school year
Sophomore (33 or more credits)
Dependent: subsidized, $4,500 per school year; unsubsidized, $2,000 per school year.
Independent: subsidized, $4,500 per school year; unsubsidized, $6,000 per school year
Maximum Aggregate Loan Amounts
Borrower’s academic level sub+unsub totals at all schools= $57,500.
First-Time Borrowers: If you are a first-year student and a first-time borrower, you will be required to
attend class for 30 days before receiving your loan money. This is Department of Education policy and
cannot be waived.
Loan Counseling: Each student is required to complete entrance loan counseling (website) before
receiving their loan(s). A student must also complete a Master Promissory Note (website). Likewise,
before a student withdraws, graduates, or drops below half-time attendance, regulations require
completion of exit counseling (website). Once you receive a Stafford Loan, you will be required to
complete an exit interview before you leave school or fall below 6 credit hours.
PLUS: If you or your parents are applying for a Parent Plus or Alternative Education loan, you must still
be processed for financial aid and complete all required documentation. The maximum amount that can
be borrowed is equal to the cost of attendance as determined by Cochise College for the loan period,
minus ALL other grants, scholarships, third party payments, work-study, resident assistant, fee waivers,
or any other outside funds.
Transfer Students: Official academic transcripts will be required of all transfer students who display in
NSLDS (National Student Loan Database System) that they have attended previous colleges and/or have
substantial student loan debt. Transcripts will be evaluated and restricted enrollment enforced when
applicable. Students who have not met our academic standards (2.0 CGPA and completion of 75% of
classes attempted) at the prior colleges will be evaluated with the same probation and suspension
standards currently in place for Cochise College students. Students who consistently have received W
and F grades will be required to complete a minimum of six credit hours with a 2.0 or better GPA using
their own resources before federal aid will be approved. For more information, read the Financial
Aid Satisfactory Progress policy below. Once a student’s total loans from all schools
equals $57,500, he/she will no longer be eligible for student loans at Cochise College.
Disbursement: Your loan will be disbursed in two installments, one-half of your loan per semester,
except if your loan is only one semester in length. If you have a one-semester loan, the loan will be split
into two disbursements in that semester. Your loan funds will first be applied to your student account to
pay any outstanding balance you may have.
Loan Adjustments: If you have received a loan and other funding is awarded, which brings you to a
negative unmet need, your loan award will be adjusted accordingly. In other words, if you have received
$500 in loan and you get a $200 scholarship after the loan has been paid, which brings your unmet need
to a negative $200, we need to return $200 from the loan payment. You are not allowed to receive more
than the cost of attendance (unmet need).

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields