Equipment Purchase Receipt
As President of ________________________________________________________________, a regis-
tered student organizaon at the University of Alabama, I understand the importance of safeguarding
purchases made for us by the Financial Aairs Commiee (FAC). I further understand, that it is my re-
sponsibility to pass these equipment items on to the next president of my organizaon for future use.
(Name) ___________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________
Items received:
President’s contact informaon
(email & telephone number):
The above equipment items will be stored in the following secure locaon on the UA campus:
As Advisor to the above student organizaon, I agree to store, safeguard and pass along the
above equipment to the president of subsequent years.
Advisor name: _________________________________ Phone number: ___________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________________