U of A Policies and Procedures On-Line (UAPPOL)
Approval Date: May 13, 2011 Effective Date: July 1, 2011
Parent Policy: Employment Relationship Policy
Appointment of Sessional and Other Temporary Staff
Office of Administrative Responsibility:
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Human
General Faculties Council & Board of Governors
Compliance with University procedure extends to all
members of the University community
The appointment of Sessional and Other Temporary Staff is subject to the terms of the Sessional and Other
Temporary Staff Agreement and all other relevant University of Alberta policies, procedures and protocols.
This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to initiate and to complete the appointment for a staff member under
the Sessional and Other Temporary Staff Agreement.
a. The Dean or Vice-President is responsible for the recruitment process for staff members under the Sessional and
Other Temporary Staff Agreement.
b. All verbal or written discussions throughout the recruitment process must include explicit communication to the
candidate that appointment to the University is subject to issuance and execution of a formal Letter of Appointment
as described in this procedure.
c. A candidate will not be formally appointed to the University unless the Letter of Appointment has been completed
and a fully executed copy has been returned to the University prior to the effective date of the appointment.
a. The Letter of Appointment constitutes the entire formal appointment between the candidate and the University and
i. follow the template of Letter of Appointment in Appendix B to the Sessional and Other Temporary Staff Agreement;
ii. conform to all applicable terms and conditions as set out in this procedure.
b. When the Dean or the Vice-President wishes to make an offer of appointment to a candidate for a Sessional and
Other Temporary Staff position, a Letter of Appointment will be prepared, signed by the Dean, and issued to the