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Accounts Payable
Relocation and Moving Expense Agreement
Agreement made on ___________________, between Augusta University
and_________________________________________________ (Employee),
Whereas Employee, with employment date effective_____________, is a suitable candidate for the
position(s) of _________________________and has accepted Augusta University’s offer of
employment into this position effective__________________; and
Whereas Augusta University and Employee mutually desire to move and relocate Employee’s
residence from ____________________________________________________,
to________________________________________________ so that Employee’s residence is in the
area of Employee’s employment; now, therefore, Augusta University and Employee agree;
1. Effective ___________________, Employee agrees to work on full-time basis at Augusta University
for at least one year beginning __________________________and
ending__________________________________. For faculty appointed on an academic year
basis, one year is dened as two concurrent regular academic sessions of fall and spring or
spring and fall semesters equal to nine months. For all other faculty and employees, one year is
dened as twelve months.
2. Augusta University agrees to reimburse or pay on the behalf of Employee an amount not to exceed
$___________________________for personal moving and relocation expenses incurred for
relocation. This amount includes payments made on behalf of Employee by Augusta
University to third-party companies and providers. Employee agrees to provide original
receipts for all reimbursement claims. In accordance with IRS guidelines, receipts must be
submitted within sixty (60) days of completion of the move to be considered as qualied,
nontaxable moving expenses. Expenses submitted for reimbursement after sixty (60) days
will be considered taxable income. Employee agrees that only those personal moving and
relocation expenses incurred after the date of execution of this agreement can be submitted
for payment or reimbursement.
3. Applicable f
ederal and state laws require “nonqualied, taxable” reimbursements to relocated
employees to be included in the employee’s gross income and “qualied, non-taxable”
relocation expenses to be excluded. Based on the passage of the 1993 Revenue Reconciliation
Act, qualied, non-taxable moving expenses are dened as the reasonable costs of 1) moving
household goods and personal effects from the former residence to the new residence (including
common carrier and storage for up to thirty days), and 2) Traveling (including lodging during
the period of travel) from the former residence to the new residence. Qualied moving expenses
DO NOT include any expenses for meals. All other reimbursements are considered nonqualied
and are taxable to the employee. Any amounts which are considered nonqualied will be
reimbursed net of tax withholdings and will be reported as income to the Internal Revenue
4. Employee’s failure to remain employed at Augusta University for the applicable period in Section 1
will constitute a violation of the agreement. In the event of such violation, Employee will be
liable to Augusta University for all or a pro-rated portion of the gross (pre-tax) relocation and

The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. | Lilly Tomlin