HTML Preview Excel Construction Payment Schedule page number 1.

CISOL1_v0_06 HMRC 09/08
Construction Industry Scheme
Payment and deduction statement
Contractor details
Contractors name
Contractors address
PPaayymmeenntt aanndd ddeedduuccttiioonn mmaaddee iinn ttaaxx mmoonntthh eennddeedd
Employers Tax Reference
0 5
Subcontractor details
Subcontractors full name
Unique Taxpayer reference (UTR)
Verification Number*
* Verification number only to be entered where a deduction
at the higher rate has been made.
Gross amount paid (Excl VAT) (A)
Less cost of materials
Amount liable to deduction
Amount deducted (B)
Amount payable (A-B)
£ 0 0
£ 0 0
£ 0 0
£ 0 0
£ 0 0
Subcontractors - Please keep this document safe

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