HTML Preview Staff Warning Letter page number 1.

Written Warning for Job Performance*
(All disciplinary letters should be presented to Employee Relations for approval before
giving this letter to the employee.)
Employee Name
Dear _______________________:
This letter is a Written Warning for unsatisfactory job performance. On (date), you and I met to
discuss management's concerns about your performance of record keeping duties in the
division. Specifically:
1. Your weekly budget journal entries had not been kept up to date for the last six weeks.
Both your mid-month and end of the month bi-weekly fiscal reports to the Department
Head were late. The mid-month report was due on the 14th, but you turned it in on the
17th. The end of month report was due on the 29th, but you turned it in on the 5th of this
1. As was explained to you on numerous occasions since you began work here, the bi-
weekly fiscal reports are used to track grant fund usage, and are the basis for reporting
to the granting agencies on the use of the grant funds. The lateness of your reports has
caused this quarter's report to the National Science Foundation to be filed a week past
the deadline.
During our meeting, you did not provide an acceptable explanation as to why you had not met
the deadlines, but did request additional training in the department's reporting system.
I will meet with you next Monday to review the reporting system. During the next 60 days, I will
meet with you each Friday to review your records and reports. You will be responsible for
completing your assignments accurately and on time. If you do not make the necessary job
performance improvements we will consider further disciplinary action, up to and including
This written warning is being issued pursuant to the guidelines of the University Disciplinary
Policy, and will remain active in your personnel files for 12 months or until you receive at least
an overall evaluation of "Good" and a "Good" on Principal Function 2 which covers your
reporting responsibilities. Alternatively, this written warning may be made inactive at any time
deemed appropriate by management. Written warnings are not appealable under the SPA
Employee Grievance Policy.
(Supervisor's Signature)

The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. | Lilly Tomlin