#RTB – 30
10 Day Notice to End Tenancy
for Unpaid Rent or Utilities
Residential Tenancy Branch
Office of Housing and Construction Standards
#RTB-30 (2016/12)
page 1 of 2 pages
This is page 1 of a 2-page Notice.
The landlord must sign page one of this Notice and must give the tenant pages 1 & 2.
Tenant: You may be EVICTED if you do not respond to this Notice.
You have five (5) days to pay the rent and utilities (if applicable) to the landlord
or file an Application for Dispute Resolution with the Residential Tenancy Branch.
You have failed to pay rent You have failed to pay utilities
in the amount of $ in the amount of $
That was due on: written demand on:
month year
This notice applies to a manufactured home site, Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act, section 39.
This notice applies to a rental unit, Residential Tenancy Act, section 46.
TO the TENANT(s) (full names are required)
If additional space is required to list all parties, use and attach Schedule of Parties (form RTB-26).
last namefirst and middle name(s)
last namefirst and middle name(s)
Tenant Address (address for service of documents or notices--where material will be given personally, left, faxed or mailed)
street number and street nameunit/site #
city postal code
other phonedaytime phone
fax number for document service
FROM the LANDLORD (if entry is a business name, use 'last name' field box to enter the full legal business name)
If additional space is required to list all parties, use and attach Schedule of Parties (form RTB-26).
last name or full legal business namefirst and middle name(s)
Landlord Address (address for service of documents or notices--where material will be given personally, left, faxed or mailed)
street number and street nameunit/site #
city province postal code
other phonedaytime phone
fax number for document service
street number and street nameunit number city province
postal code
day month year
(date when tenant must move out of the rental unit or vacate the site)
Landlord or Agent
day month year
Landlord should also complete Proof of Service Notice to End Tenancy (form RTB-34) as evidence of service.
NOTICE TO END TENANCY: I, the landlord, am hereby giving you 10 days' notice to move out of
the rental unit or manufactured home site located at:
In person
On the door or in mail box or mail slot By mail By fax
Other (e.g. director's order for substituted service):
Landlord or Agent
Name (print or type):
day month
Complete details below at time of service (not required on landlord's copy; failure to complete does not invalidate notice).