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Scope of Work
Project Planning
1.0 Project Description
List specific addresses of properties to be assessed, known or suspected site activities, and briefly
summarize results of any previous site investigation or cleanup activities. Clearly identify what
future site uses are if they have been determined.
2.0 Project Objective
Conduct systematic planning to ensure that the requisite type, quality, and quantity of data are
obtained to satisfy project objectives that lead to informed decisions and site close out in a cost
effective and timely manner.
3.0 Description of Work
3.1 Project Planning Facilitation
The EPA requires a systematic planning process for all data collection and use by or for the
agency (EPA 1998). Comprehensive, up-front planning is essential to effectively complete any
environmental project. Proper planning will assure that the data collected will lead to defensible
decisions. The contractor will provide facilitation services to develop the following:
Define project objectives
Identify stakeholders, timelines, or other constraints
Establish decisions to be made by:
o Specifying data and resource needs
o Identifying boundaries and decision criteria
o Defining acceptable levels of uncertainty
o Translating needs into sampling, analysis, and decision-making requirements.
Site reuse plans will be used to guide the decision logic.
To support this process, the contractor will be responsible for the following:
Document Review. The contractor will perform a detailed review of available site
information and documentation regarding past site use and ownership, regulatory or
enforcement actions, site assessment or investigations, and corrective actions. Additional
information not originally provided may need to be acquired and reviewed during the
course of the systematic planning process.
Project Meeting Facilitation. The contractor will be responsible for setting up, preparing
agenda, facilitating, and preparing notes for project planning meetings with team

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