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Weekly Manager’s Meeting
Agenda for Meeting of March 15, 2011
Leader: Tom
Recurring Agenda Items:
I. Wins for the week: each person shares on success story from their week.
II. Review of Progress towards Company-wide Goals for 2011:
Goal Goal YTD this year YTD Last year
Financial Goals
Annual Revenue $2million $357K $350k
Gross Margin % 38% 36.7% 37%
Sales per employee
Customer Service
95% retention rate 92% 96%
III. Review of open action items from last week:
Item Date Due Owner
Employee evals completed March 12 All Department heads
Customer survey results
compiled and reported on
March 13 Sally
Research on new vendors
for XYZ product line
March 15 Don
IV. New Agenda Items:
Item Person Expected Outcome
Review of
progress on
new X line
Tim Get the team up to speed on progress, address any issues
blocking progress
Create plan to
address recent
safety issues in
Ann Get input on what elements should be included to address
safety issues and resource ideas.
Staffing plan
for upcoming
trade show
Tim Create plan to ensure adequate staffing for Tucson trade show
in April.
V. Review of Action Items:
Who is responsible?
When will it be done?
How will we know?
Plus/Delta: what worked in this meeting, what can we improve?
Next meeting date: Friday, March 21, 2011 at 8 am. Leader: Ann

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. | Napoleon Bonaparte