Policy 904
By Order of the Police Commissioner
It is the policy of the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) to issue and certify Safety Equipment
Repair Orders in compliance with Title 23 of the Maryland Annotated Code.
The Maryland Safety Equipment Repair Order (SERO), also known as a Maryland State Police 157,
may only be written for vehicles registered in the State of Maryland. A SERO may not be written
for vehicles that display dealer, finance, historic, out-of-state, recycler, special, or transporter license
Issuance of a Safety Equipment Repair Order
1. Upon observing a vehicle with defective equipment or mechanism(s), stop the vehicle and
issue the operator a SERO.
1.1. Multiple equipment infractions can be noted on one SERO.
1.2. Combination vehicles (e.g., tractor/trailer) shall be issued separate SEROs, reflective
of the license plate corresponding to the part of the vehicle with an infraction.
EXAMPLE: Issue one SERO to the “tractor” for faulty equipment on the tractor, and if appropriate
issue a separate SERO for the “trailer” if faulty equipment is observed on the trailer.
2. After the operator signs the SERO, give the operator copies 3, 4, and 5 of the SERO.
3. Advise the operator:
3.1. Defective equipment must be repaired within ten (10) days from the date of SERO
3.2. Failure to correct the defective equipment will result in the suspension of the
vehicle’s registration.
3.3. Instructions are printed on the reverse side of the copies.