First and Last Name
Town, State and Zip code
Email address
Phone Number
Citizenship: (Yes or No, Work Visa)
Special Hiring Authority: (Veteran preference or Person with Disability - Schedule A)
Federal Experience: (Yes or No and Indicate Military, Federal or State Gov)
Clearance: (Indicate what level and if it's still active)
OBJECTIVE: To obtain a full time position in public service with (Indicate the
federal Agency and sub Agency)
as a (Indicate the position including announcement
Number if there is one)
SKILLS SUMMARY: (Has 3 elements: An introductory paragraph, list of skills
directly related to the position, and your skills you have acquired throughout your
career, that you want to highlight)
Element: The introductory paragraph - Must be specific and highly detailed
for each job series and position you're applying to. You need to outline all the
specific skills you have that are directly related to the position you are seeking
including Key Words identified in the positions description.)
Focused and highly motivated management professional, with 12 + years of
extensive experience in Strategic Workforce Planning, EEO, OHR and Diversity
Mgt. Utilizing my background in Disability, Accommodations, Business
Operations, Project Management, and Statistical Analysis to develop
comprehensive programs based on the employment needs and mission of the
agency. Deploying metric based solutions and maximizing our ROI. I'm an
innovative and energetic team player, relationship builder, and highly effective
Element: List of skills directly related to the position and the Key Words you
identified - Back up your skill summary with specific examples from you career or
education. Identify specific accomplishments, length of time, highlight numerical
results and awards derived from those duties and skills. This is the most critical
area of the resume. You are relating an activity in your career to that of the
position you are applying and showcasing your accomplishments.)
Develop and create a Strategic Workforce Planning program to ensure
were accurately utilizing all available resources. Good Example
Expert in Diversity Mgt. and Employee Relations assisting managers and
staff in identifying and solving EEO Policy questions on Accommodations,
for the past 9 yrs. Better Example