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Standard Chronological Resume Format
Street Address, Apt. #, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, Email Address
Be specific and avoid cliché statements that lack substance. Inform the reader of what industry, field, or position you are
interested in. Indicate what you can offer the employer related to the position you are applying for; skills, experiences, or
personal characteristics that support your job objective. Not what the employer can offer you or what you want out of the job.
Bachelor of __________ (list your official WMU degree) Expected Graduation: Month Year
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI
Major(s): __________, Minor(s): __________ Major GPA: ___ /4.00, CGPA: ___ /4.00
Course Name: Brief summary of skills gained, projects completed, research conducted, results and outcomes of case study
experiences, presentations delivered, etc. The employer is interested in what you gained from this course so avoid
inserting the course description or number here.
Project Team: Describe purpose of project, your role on the team, materials or methods used, outcomes, presentations, etc.
Your teamwork and leadership skills can be highlighted here as well as content or consulting skills.
Position Title Month Year Month Year
Company Name City, State
Using action verbs, describe the scope of your responsibility. Avoid using, ‘Responsibilities included….’
Use verb phrases rather than full sentences; provide concise statements without unnecessary words.
Identify what you did, why you did it, and how/how well you did it.
Begin with an action followed by a purpose, or a problem resulting in action, concluding with the result, e.g.,
Provided high level of customer service by thoroughly answering product questions, ensuring satisfaction and return
business or Contributed to organizational stability by generating over $10,000 in new revenues.
Provide examples of skills developed or enhanced, e.g., Gained valuable organizational skills by transforming a
disorganized, inefficient filing system into an operation for easy retrieval and storage.
Provide quantitative information when possible: how many, how much, how often, etc. Quantitative information
begins to create a picture for the reader .e.g., Supervised _____ cashiers,’ Managed a cash drawer of up to $_____,
Describe the work environment or atmosphere, e.g., Excelled in fast-paced team-oriented work environment’ or
Worked independently to meet deadlines.’
Position Title Month Year Month Year
Company Name City, State
Treasurer and Member, Student Organization 2013 Present
Intramural Athletics 2011 Present
WMU Dean’s List 2011 2013
(Provided by WMU Career Services; basic format, suitable for anyone.)
Adding a Relevant
Coursework or Academic
Projects and Presentations
section to your resume is a
good way to highlight
your skills and industry
knowledge, especially
when lacking related work
This is an optional
section that can be
replaced with relevant
work experience or
leadership experience.
Include: Degree expected,
graduation date, school
name & location, major(s)
& minor(s).
Recommended: GPA if 3.0
or higher. Omit all high
school data.
Optional: Academic honors
(e.g., Lee Honors College),
study abroad, etc.
A summary or profile, as
well as an objective, can
be used to catch the
reader’s attention and give
clarity to the kind of
employment you are
An objective that is
customized to the job and
employer is recommended
List jobs in reverse
chronological order; most
recent experience is first.
If currently employed,
describe in present tense.
If no longer employed in
position, use past tense.
Section can be titled: Related
Experience, Professional
Experience, Work
Experience, Internship
Experience, Employment
History, etc. In most cases, it
is best to have 3-5 bullet
points that describe each job.
This section is optional
and alternative headings
include the following:
Academic Achievements,
Awards, Computer Skills,
Volunteer Activities,
Memberships, Travel, etc.
Be sure to include level of
skill, type of involvement
and/or dates of
One page is common
although it varies by major
and extent of experience.
Print on resume paper.
clear simple font style
font size 11-12
side margins 1 inch
top and bottom margins
½ to 1 inch

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