Thanks for choosing Muscle Sprouts and you sports party provider. Please complete the form and
return it to us as soon as is conveniently possible.
Party Host/s details:
No of People:
Package selection:
Super Sports – Includes 3-5 activities and a present for the
birthday host.
-Cost: $180 for the first hour. $100 for every hour thereafter.
Ultimate party -Custom to needs
(additional planning costs apply)
There are a range of extras to choose from, please select any of the extras you would
like to add to the party.
- Additional staff (Required for every 10 children after 20) - $60
- Water bomb / egg catching finale. ($20/20 kids)
- Muck up games (Incl. Shaving cream and silly string ($30/20 kids)
- Mr Muscle Sprout appearance. $100
If you have any other specific requests please let us know and
we can make it happen!
Duration: (Min 1hr / Max 3hrs)