HTML Preview Service Provider Contract page number 1.

MY RINK hereby grants to:
( “Service Provider")
(Organization/Individual Name/Business)
permission to provide the required service to MY RINK for the sole purpose of
(describe use)
on the following date(s) ,
While providing the agreed service, Service Provider (“Provider”) agrees to comply with all applicable
laws, rules and regulations and the rules and regulations of MY RINK and any special instructions given to
Provider by representative(s) of MY RINK. Provider agrees that all persons providing a service under this
agreement will commit no damage to MY RINK’s facilities/property and that if such damage occurs, Provider
will reimburse MY RINK the cost of repair.
Provider agrees to carry public liability insurance with a company acceptable to MY RINK in the
amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury and property damage on an occurrence basis, agrees
to carry Worker’s Compensation insurance and agrees to cause a Certificate of Insurance to be issued with
MY RINK named as an ADDITIONAL INSURED. Claims made policies shall NOT be acceptable.
Satisfactory certification that such insurance is in full force during the times of the service being performed
must be furnished. Provider will not be authorized to subcontract services with another individual/business to
provide additional services within our facilities, during the times while providing a service without first
contacting the Rink Manager at MY RINK.
Provider agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless MY RINK, its agents, servants, employees,
trustees, officers and representatives from any liability, loss, or damage which MY RINK may suffer as a
result of any claims, demands, costs, actions, causes of actions, or judgments, including attorneys' fees,
asserted against or incurred by MY RINK arising out of, during, or as a result of Provider using MY RINK's
facilities, except such liability, loss or damage which is the result of or arising out of the sole negligence of
Dated this
day of , 20 .
(Organization/Individual Name/Business), (“Provider”)
(Signature of Rink Manager)
Printed Name & Title of Representative Printed Name & Title

Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor. | John Ciardi