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Letter of Commitment on Home Isolation and Observation
Shanghai has launched the level 1 response procedures for major public health emergencies
and taken the most stringent prevention and control measures. In order to facilitate the city's
prevention and control efforts against the spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia
epidemic, I solemnly make the following commitments:
1. In the period of home isolation at _____________ (please fill in the residential
address), not to go out without permission and to decline all visiting guests;
2. To actively cooperate with medical workers to carry out morning and afternoon
body temperature checks on a daily basis, keep a record of measurements and
truthfully answer health inquiries;
3. When experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath and other acute respiratory
symptoms, to immediately telephone the designated staff member for transfer via the
special vehicle provided by the district authority to a designated fever clinic, and
voluntarily cooperate with the relevant work;
4. During the period of home isolation, do the best with my personal protection and
protection of those living under the same roof against infection;
5. Not to disseminate relevant information without authorization, not to conceal
relevant information, not to report false information, and to promptly report all
relevant information.
I will be legally liable for any failure to honor the above commitments in accordance with
the PRC Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.
ID No.:

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda