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Special Event Planning Checklist
Pick your date and location; check availability with City of Lethbridge
Recreation, Parks & Culture Department
Decide on time for event (including set up and take down times)
Determine what amenities will be required for the event
o Bleachers
o Electrical Access
o Water Access
o Extra Garbage Cans
o PA System
o Tables
o Chairs
o Extra Washrooms
o Vests/Signage
o Staging
o Tents
o Picnic Shelters
Fill out and submit Special Event Application Form to Recreation, Parks &
Culture Department at least one month prior to event
Contact first call to do locates if any structures that require staking into the
ground are going to be erected
Obtain Insurance Certificate and provide a copy to Recreation, Parks &
Culture at least 2 weeks prior to event
Compile a route/site map and provide a copy to Recreation, Parks & Culture
at least 2 weeks prior to event
Set up a site meeting (if necessary) with City of Lethbridge staff and event
organizers at least 2 weeks prior to event
Determine what other service providers you may need and contact them for
o Police
o Fire
o Chinook Health Unit
o ALCB (Alberta Liquor Control Board)
o Transit
o St. John’s Ambulance (or other first aid provider)
o Security
Ensure you have a contingency plan in place to accommodate weather which
may affect your event

Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death. | Seth Godin