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350 Caldwell Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-2602
Date ___________
The Graduate School awards a small number of grants for academic-year, research-related travel in the United States and abroad. These
grants are for travel that is directly related to dissertation research, not conference travel. Recipients must be enrolled (fulltime or In
Absentia) in a graduate Research (MA/MS, MFA, DMS, JSD or PhD) degree program through the Graduate School and be registered at the
time of the award.
! Description of research project. Write and attach a one page description of the research project. See below.
! Itinerary. List your proposed itinerary in the space below.
! Budget. Attach a budget statement including the information requested below.
! Complete the form below. All information on this form, excluding signatures, should be printed or typed. For more
information, contact the Graduate Student Services Office at (607) 255-5820.
! Signatures. Have your committee chairperson and field DGS sign the form
! Return this completed form to Graduate School Student Services, 143 Caldwell Hall, by Oct. 1 for fall travel and
Feb. 1 for spring or summer travel.
Cornell ID number NetID E-mail address
Last name First name Middle initial
Academic program (Field) Degree program
Date of first registration in Graduate School: _______________________________________________________________
Date of A Exam, passed or scheduled: ___________________________________________________________________
Date you expect to complete your degree program: _________________________________________________________
Attach a one-page description of the research project that clearly states your research project topic and why it needs to be
undertaken at the proposed location at the proposed time. These are competitive grants; applications should make a clear
link between the proposed research travel and the student’s degree objectives. Applications which fail to present a
compelling justification for the proposed project will be at a significant disadvantage. Awards are to fund trips of 3-5 weeks in
duration in support of post-A Exam independent research travel. Applications that are essentially full semester funding
requests will not be considered. Request from prior recipients will be given low priority.
Location: __________________________________________________ Duration of stay: __________________________
Location: __________________________________________________ Duration of stay: __________________________
Location: __________________________________________________ Duration of stay: __________________________
Attach an itemized budget, showing expenditures for food, lodging, transportation, and any other categories for each
segment of your itinerary. Please note that the Graduate School seeks to award a maximum number of grants from limited
funds. For this reason, students are encouraged to submit requests that reflect careful budgeting. For example, applicants
should use public transportation, plan on preparing their own meals whenever possible, and secure modest
accommodations. Research travel grants are not intended to act as full semester fellowships.
___This project will involve research with human participants as defined by Cornell policy (See the decision tree at Research activities may not
commence until the researcher receives a written letter of approval from Cornell’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) or a
notice of exemption from IRB review. Submit a completed application to Cornell’s IRB for review at Contact the IRB office if you need assistance (
___This will not involve research with human participants

I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! | C.J. Walker