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P. O. Box 1214 * Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
THIS AGREEMENT, made this _____ of __________ 20 ____ between ________________________________________________
__________________________, herein called the Artist (s), and Fredericksburg Music Club, Inc. herin called the Presenter.
WITNESS that it is agreed as follows:
1. The Artist (s) will perform one performance as follows: on Sunday, at 3:00 p.m. date __________________________________ at
Fredericksburg United Methodist Church, unless otherwise noted. Otherwise noted ________________________________________
2. Presenter agrees to pay the sum of $ ______________ to the following artist or agent ____________________________________
At the end, in advance, day after concert, etc. _____________________________________________________ to the address
3. Presenter will provide a nine-foot Steinway concert grand piano, tuned and in good condition, if required for performance (if concert is
to be held at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church).
4. If Artist(s) is/are unable to perform any engagement as set forth in paragraph one (1) hereof for any reason beyond Artist(s)
control, ie., illness, accident, or other incapacity, Act of God, fire, or labor disputes, then the Artist(s) shall terminate this agreement with
respect to the performance so affected and neither Artist (s) nor Presenter shall be liable for damages arising from the Artist(s) inability to
perform. Artist(s) shall not receive any fee for a performance cancelled by Artist(s).
5. If Presenter must cancel the agreement because of weather, fire, Act of God or other unavoidable reason(s), Presenter shall not be liable
for a fee paid to the Artist(s) as stated in paragraph 2 above. The Presenter may then elect to reschedule a like performance within two (2)
years after the contracted date by mutual, written agreement between Presenter and Artist(s).
6. Presenter agrees that Artist’s performance shall not be recorded, filmed, broadcast or televised without the prior consent in writing by
the Artist or the Artist’s manager.
7. If Artist(s) chooses to record a performance, Artist(s) or agent must get prior permission in writing to the Presenter before the concert.
8. This contract cannot be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Artist(s) or manager and Presenter.
9. By signing below Artist(s) gives the Presenter, its agents and members, the absolute right and permission to use Artist(s) photograph
and/or electronic images of Artist(s) for promotion of concerts through print media and web sites. The Presenter does not have the right to
profit from sales of any form of photographs whether paper or digital.
10. Signing this contract also certifies that I am 18 years of age or older and I am authorized to sign as the Artist (s) or for the Artist (s).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has hereunto set their hand on the date recorded.
Date ________________ ____________________________________________
Presenter / Fredericksburg Music Club, Inc.
Date ________________ ____________________________________________
Artist(s) or Manager or Guardian (if not 18 or older)

The worst part of success is to try to find someone who is happy for you. | Bette Midler