Subject: Employee Attendance Policy No. 12
Pages: 10 Date: June 16, 2009
Policy Statement
Punctuality and regular attendance are essential to insure optimal productivity
and client service. In order for the University to achieve these goals employees
are required to maintain a satisfactory record of attendance. Supervisors are
responsible for communicating the attendance policy to staff and for fair and
consistent application of the policy.
This policy applies to all Classified (Maintenance, Clerical, Protective Services,
and Administrative & Residual), SUOAF, and Management/Confidential
Employees. Other bargaining units may be guided by the goal of this policy. It is
the intent of the University to apply this policy on as consistent a basis as
possible among all employee groups.
Absenteeism – Failure to report to work or to remain at work as
scheduled, regardless of reason. This includes tardiness, unauthorized
leave, unanticipated use of sick leave, and emergency use of any accrued
leave. Absenteeism does not include appropriately scheduled leave such as
vacation, personal leave, compensatory leave, military leave, medical leave,
medical appointments, maternity or other long-term medical leaves.
Abuse of Sick Leave – Use of sick leave for reasons other than those
defined under the appropriate bargaining unit contract provisions, the
“Management / Confidential Personnel Policies”, or State Personnel
Regulations. Abuse of sick leave includes, but is not limited to: 1) falsely