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Amherst College Pathways Mentoring Program
First Meeting Agenda
Exchange bios, resumes, and share a brief history of your experience.
If comfortable, provide personal information like hobbies, passions, etc.
Establish rapport by identifying points of connection and exchanging information.
Discuss Mentoring
What words come to mind when you think of mentoring?
Have you ever been engaged in a mentoring partnership before? Describe the circumstances.
What have you learned or gained from a previous mentoring experience?
Determine Goals
What do you want to learn from this experience?
Articulate goals using the SMART modelspecific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.
Determine Expectations
What do you want out of the mentoring partnership?
What does a successful mentoring relationship look like?
Who will be responsible for scheduling meetings?
How often will you meet and for how long?
Who will run the meetings? Will there be an agenda?
Will you correspond in between meetings? How often?
How will you manage time conflicts with scheduled meetings?
Discuss Ground Rules
Where do you define boundaries (time availability, etc.)?
Discuss guidelines around confidentiality. What does confidentiality mean?
What topics are off-limits?
What are your personal values?
How do you define respect? How will you respect one another’s time? Values? Limits?
Complete the Mentoring Partnership Agreement
Fill out the template using the information discussed above.
Both participants sign and keep a copy of the agreement for their records.

Are you a serial idea–starting person? The goal is to be an idea–shipping person. | Seth Godin