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The Sacrament of Infant Baptism
Godmother Certificate
Section One: Signature of Godmother
I, _____________________________________, a registered member of __________________________
Catholic Church, located at _______________________________________________________________,
(address of Parish)
have been asked to be a Godmother for
(name of child)
daughter/son of ____________________________________________________________________________,
(name of parents)
who reside at______________________________________________________________________________,
(address of parents)
home number __________________, work number __________________, cell number __________________.
(parents) (parents) (parents)
As she/he celebrates the Sacrament of Baptism, I affirm that:
· I am at least 16 years of age and not the parent or step-parent of the person for whom I am a Godfather.
· I have celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation in the Catholic Church,
and am in Full Communion with the Catholic Church.
· I participate regularly in Sunday Mass and am able to receive the Eucharist.
· I am an active Catholic contributing of my time, talent, and treasure to my parish.
· I am in a valid Catholic Marriage (applies only to married persons).
· I am single and am not living together (applies only to unmarried persons).
· I actively witness to my faith in Jesus Christ by the way I live in service and love to the people with whom I
come in contact daily.
· I shall give Christian witness and pray for my Godchild as her/his Godmother.
I understand and accept the responsibility that I undertake as Godmother.
Signature of Godmother Date
Address City Sate Zip
Home phone cell phone other

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