Livingston Township Council Conference Meeting #5 - Monday, February 27, 2017--7:30 p.m.
Notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Law.”
Annual Notice of this Meeting was faxed to the West Essex Tribune and the Star Ledger on January 3, 2017.
A. Closed Session
1. Contract Negotiations (Environmental Assessment) Packet
2. Potential Loss of Federal Funding (Welcoming City Resolution) Packet
3. Personnel (Town Manager)
4. Contract Negotiations (Board Of Education—Private Fiber Optic Network) Packet
5. Contract Negotiations (Board Of Education—Tennis Courts) Packet
6. Property (Open Space) Anthony
Such matters as may come before the Council requiring consideration in Closed Session will be included in the
Resolution authorizing the Closed Session meeting.
B. Approval of Minutes
1. February 6, 2017
a) Conference Packet
b) Closed Packet
C. Unfinished Business
1. Lighting Ordinance Packet
2. Tiered Water Pricing Packet
3. Town Wide Clean-Up Day Packet
4. 2016 TNR Report and 2017 TNR Budget—Chief Handschuch—8:30 p.m. Packet
5. “Adopt A Road” Anthony
D. New Business
1. Legal Fees
a) McCarter & English Packet
2. Food Truck Festival Packet
3. Foxcroft Drive Packet
4. Bond Anticipation Note Sale Packet
5. Open Positions Reports Packet
6. Open Space Appointment—Chris Bickel Packet
7. Prudential Spirit of Community Award Packet
8. HCHY (CHOW)—Alan Karpas Packet
9. Resident’s inquiry re: Pickleball Lines/Tennis Courts Packet
10. Change Order 1 and Final Payment for 2016 Water Main Improvements Packet
11. Change Order 1 and Final Payment for Sanitary Sewer Pipe Rehabilitation on West Northfield Rd. Packet
12. Change Order 1 and Final Payment for #1 and #3 Water Main Improvements Packet
13. Change Order 1 and Final Payment for North Hillside Booster Station Generator Replacement Packet
14. Professional Engineering Services: 2017 Water Main Replacements Change Order 1 Packet
15. Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapters 170, 217, 227 by Adding Language “Or His Designee” Packet
16. Garden State Municipal JIF Commissioners Packet
17. Professional Engineering Services: Chetwynd Water Tank Rehabilitation Change Order 1 Packet
18. Professional Engineering Services for Final Phases of the Passaic Avenue Service Area Upgrades Packet
19. Facilities Inventory/10 Year Master Plan Draft Reports—Haines (Memorial) and Northland Pools Packet
E. Miscellaneous
1. Correspondence from Livingston Residents `
2. Correspondence from Town Council/Manager/Clerk/Attorney/Boards
3. Invitations and Other Dates of Importance
a) Bar Goes Local Breakfast—March 29, 2017 Packet
b) Temple B’nai Abraham—Honoring Julie Silbermann—April 29, 2017 Packet
c) Seventh Annual Meet the Mayors Event --April 1, 2017 Packet
d) Livingston Symphony Orchestra--March 11, 2017 Packet
e) Eagle Scout Court of Honor—Troop 12--Cristian Zapata—Livingston Community Center—5 p.m. Packet
4. State of New Jersey/County of Essex
a) NJDOT—Resurfacing Route 10 (from County Rt. 508 (W. Northfield Ave.) to Merklin Ave./Kelly Dr.) Packet
5. Committee Minutes & Information
6. General Information
F. Public Comment