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Child Protection Conference Feedback Forms for Professionals
We value feedback from Social Workers and all other professionals who attend Child Protection Conferences.
We would be grateful if you could spend some time completing this form. Your feedback can help us
to learn and improve the way in which we run conferences and ensure that we make plans that are
clear and outcome focused for the families we work with
CP Chairs Name:
Conference Date:
Family Name:
Type of Conference (Initial/Review):
Conference Start Time:
Conference End Time:
Q1 - Which agency do you work for?
Q2- Did you complete a report for the conference?
Yes No
Yes No
Q3- Did you complete an assessment and analysis of risk before the conference?
Yes No
-If not, why?
Q4- Did you post (4S/07 Civic Centre)/ email (safeguardingchildrenadm[email protected]) your
report at least 24 hours before the conference?
Yes No

Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly. Taste the relish to be found in competition – in having put forth the best within you. | Henry J. Kaiser