Sample Event Budget
Provided below is an in depth list of items that could potentially cause expenses in your
budget. Many events will not need as in depth of a budget.
Potential Location Costs:
Site rental fee $________
Projected tips $________
Permit(s)/license $________
Additional labor $________
Subtotal $________
Potential Rental Needs:
Heat/air $________
Furniture (tables and chairs) $________
Pipe & drape $________
Carpeting/flooring $________
Props/tents/canopies $________
Risers/staging (skirting, stairs) $________
Stanchions/ropes $________
Labor $________
Subtotal $________
* Make sure your cost includes delivery, set up, and tear down. Be clear with delivery date
when ordering!
Potential Food and Beverage Costs:
Food/catering $________
Beverages/bartender $________
Equipment (ex. steamer for hot dogs) $________
Linens, glasses, utensils, plates, etc. $________
Labor/staff $________
Gratuities $________
Tax $________