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Become a Certified
Anger Management
2 Day Course
Training Location:
High Impact/Anger Management
44 Broad St. NW, Suite 707
Atlanta GA 30303
Training Provided By:
High Impact/Anger Management
44 Broad St. NW, Suite 707
Atlanta, GA 30303
To Register
Make Check Payable To:
Anger Management Institute
44 Broad St. NW, Suite 707
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tuition Fee: $250.00
Name: _______________________________
Address: _____________________________
Phone:(H) ___________________________
Phone:(W) ___________________________
Email Address:________________________
Credit Card: ___ VISA ___ MC
Card #: ______________________________
Exp. Date: ____________________________
Name on Card: ________________________
Email address needed for directions to facility to be
emailed to you upon receipt of registration.
Discounts of more than one from the same facility.
Cancellations must be received at least 72 hours
prior to workshop for a refund. A $20 processing
fee will be assessed for all cancellations.
Program subject to cancellation due to insufficient
enrollment. Refunds will be promptly made due to
lack of enrollment.
Training Dates and Locations
April 14-15, 2016—Savannah, GA
April 28-29, 2016—Atlanta, GA
May 5-6, 2016—Atlanta, GA
June 9-10, 2016—Atlanta GA
June 23-24, 2016—Gainesville, GA
July 11-12, 2016—Macon, GA
July 14-15, 2016—Atlanta, GA
August 4-5, 2016—Augusta, GA
August 11-12, 2016—Atlanta GA
August 25-26, 2016—Kennesaw, GA
September 19-20, 2016—Atlanta , GA
October 3-4, 2016—Valdosta, GA
October 6-7, 2016—Atlanta, GA
October 7-28, 2016—Columbus, GA
November 7-8, 2016—Atlanta, GA
December 8-9, 2016—Atlanta, GA
Trainings in Savannah will be held at:
High Impact Trainings
6555 Abercorn St., Suite 223
Savannah, GA 31405
Call for Macon, Valdosta, Gaines-
ville ,Columbus , GA Locations.