HTML Preview Client Run Sheet page number 1.

Introduce yourself to the client and parent (parent needs to stay at least long enough to sign the
informed consent form if client under 18).
Explain your own position within in the company and the room that they are currently in and
where testing will take place. Try to make general conversation to help both athlete and parent
feel comfortable with you and environment. (E.g. where they attend school, how they heard
about us, what competitions are they competing in at the moment, what position/sport they play,
do they know anyone else that trains with us, etc.). Prompt with as much information that you
know about them. Ask client to take off their shoes while they are talking.
3 Check the registration form make sure we have all their details (contact numbers/address).
If we do not, they need to be entered into the database before they leave. A good time to finish
those details is when you are scheduling their first session.
Explain what will be achieved over the next hour i.e. Talk about what they want to achieve,
look over client goals (realistic goals? how we are going to achieve it?) actual testing involving
ROM screening, power tests and speed and agility tests.
Informed Consent needs to be signed by both parent and athlete. Briefly explain the
sections of the informed consent form and check for their understanding before they sign.
5b Go through the policies and procedures form while client is reading the informed consent.
Especially highlight the missed session policy. Check for their understanding before they sign
the consent form.
6 Begin TESTING – Follow order on page. Shoes & socks off for ROM.
At the end of the session Explain results to client and briefly discuss the implications for
training. Give the athlete an indication of how good their results are and where there needs to be
improvement (from what you have seen in the past). Explain flexibility sheet with relevant
exercises ticked.
Explain the process for video analysis and the 1
session. Make sure they understand they need
to be 15 minutes early for this to happen before their first training session. Encourage the parent
to be involved in the video analysis session.
Schedule athlete into the calendar - try to arrange times that can be kept on a consistent basis. If
debating how many sessions per week give advantages for each option. Take into account age,
training history, current training schedule, budget, and timeline to major competition.
Mention again the missed session policy and explain the notice that is required for a cancelling a
session. Finalise account for testing session and fill-out ezidebit form, try to have details set
before the athlete/parent leaves the session.

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | Unknown