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Thank you for your interest in becoming a strategic partner of Wounded Warrior Project
(WWP). The WWP strategic
partnerships team looks to establish long-term, meaningful relationships with the potential to grow over time. Cause-
related marketing requires a significant investment of time and legal resources both for the donor and the
beneficiary. At WWP, we invest several resources in our partnerships, including staff time, and are therefore limited
in our capacity to enter into charitable sales promotions (CSP).
Please allow up to ten (10) business days for a response from a member of our strategic partnerships team. This form
must be filled out and submitted in order for your proposal to be reviewed and considered. Incomplete form
submissions will not be considered.
1. What is the legal name of the company (including parent company if DBA)?
2. When was the company founded?
3. What is the legal address of the company?
5. State: 6. Zip code:
7. Company website:
8. What is the company category/industry?
9. Is the business a franchise?
10. Please provide board of directors and/or executive team names:
11. Who is the primary point of contact (POC) for this promotion?
4. City:
9a. If Yes, how many locations
are there?
9b. How many locations will
participate in this promotion?
Please download this form, complete it, save it as a PDF file, and send it to [email protected]

Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether. | Unknown