Budget for a Class Party
Imagine we are going to have a class party. For that party we will need
food and drink.
We need:
? 4 loaves of bread @ 77p each
? 2 packets of butter @ 72p each
? 2 tins of tuna @ 65p each
? 2 packets of ham @ 1.28 each
? 3 packs of sausages @ 99p each
? 2 packs of 10 crisps @ 85p each
? 4 packs of Pringles @ 1.05 each
Set this up as a spread sheet in Excel.
Remember to put on a title, date and your name.
Food Packs/Bottles
Price for 1
Total cost
bread 4 0.77
butter 2 0.72
Find the total cost for each item
(Remember the formula =b3*2)
At the end find the total cost of the party.
Can you also find out how much each person would have to pay if we had the
party? Our class has 31 children.
Make your spreadsheet look good
1. use bold, italic or underline
2. Put text where you wish in the cells.
3. Change the colour of cells and text within them.
4. Use print preview to check the overall layout of your page and
that it will all print before printing.
? 2 bottles of coke @ 1.36
? 1 bottle of lemonade @ 1.20
? 3 cartons of orange juice @
1.30 each
? 2 bottles of orange squash