Restaurant Manager's Shift-Change Checklist
Shift-Change Task Initial When Complete
1. Be
in to cut labor as first shift's business slows.
2. Check that all emplo
ees' side-work tasks are satisfactoril
complete before the
3. Make sure stations are restocked b
bussers and bartenders.
4. Collect all server check-out sheets, cash drawers and tip reports.
5. Review dinner reservations book with host or hostess.
6. Check to see that all bus stands, server stations and restrooms are cleaned and properl
7. Use the time between shifts to conduct interviews if needed.
8. Check appearance and uniform of an
servers and staff that have arrived for the next shift.
9. Conduct kitchen line check with kitchen mana
er or chef.
10. Conduct informative and ener
pep-talk for all incomin
11. Be
in service for next shift
ie dinner service