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Want Better Online Results? Demo InvestorCarrot Today:
Print this checklist off to follow along. By the end of this training you will have a game plan
going forward to get the most out of your InvestorCarrot websites. This plan will break down a
short-term and long-term action plan and the order in which to do them. This downloadable
guide will get you on the right track. Email us at with any questions.
Week 1
Localize your website
Tweak website branding
Add credibility to website
Week 2
Get your citations rolling
Claim your Google My Business profile
Choose what your short-term & long-term traffic strategies are
Decide on your budget (your time budget & your money budget)
Tweak your content to personalize it to you
Install Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools on your site
90 Day Inbound Marketing Action Plan
90 Day Inbound Marketing
Action Plan Checklist
From: InvestorCarrot

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda