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Pennies for Peace Update
Summer Sermon Series
Camp Awesome
Ways We Do Communion
Rendez-vous Highlights
A New Look for
OUC’s Newsletter
Worship in the Summer
It’s not coincidence that the words
community and communicate look so
much alike. One of the most
important things about being included
in the church is keeping informed
about the joys and challenges of faith
we share together. So, we are
experimenting with a few new ways of
communicating. Our website is
currently being revamped for Fall
2011 and Orleans United is now on
Facebook! In addition, we are re-
imagining OUC’s newsletter.
Beginning with this issue, the
newsletter will be published quarterly
and be filled with stories of faith and
ministry that make a difference in our
lives. We are also searching for a new
look, and would appreciate your
feedback on this experimental format.
Contact Jean in the office and let her
know what you think.
Ottawa, Ontario
Making room for you …
… in worship
… in community
… in learning
… in serving
Making room for you …
Our work with Future Directions consultant, Trish Elliot, helped inspire
the tag-line in this newsletter banner and soon-to-be revitalized website.
We want to remind everyone of OUC’s commitment to build the kind of
faith community that is spiritually open and receptive to anyone seeking a
church home. Help us spread the word by inviting your family and friends
to find their place in our worshipping, learning, and serving community!
The understanding of Membership (having one’s name in the
historic roll of a congregation) within the United Church of Canada is
changing, especially in the last few decades.
As OUC’s ministers, we wanted to experiment with a
conversation that would reimagine what church membership means at
Orleans United. So we invited some folks who were not on OUC’s
historic roll to consider what being a part of our church family meant to
them. In a two-night series, we were fortunate to gather with interested
congregation people to embark on this journey together.
During our first session, we explored the concept of
“believing.” Using faith statements as a jumping off point, we shared
together our own beliefs and came to further appreciate the diversity of
theological understandings that exist within Orleans United.
Our second evening focussed on “belonging” as we
considered what membership within any group means. That led us to
examine the expectations that we may have of our congregation, as well
as the expectations OUC has of each of us.
The end result of this process was that four individuals have
joined our congregation as Members. But more importantly, a wonderful
group of people enjoyed two evenings of meaningful and intentional
sharing of our faith.
Sound curious? If you think this Fall you might like to explore
a little more about what it means to believe in God and to belong at
Orleans United, talk with Rev. Molly or Rev. Glen.