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Physical Fitness Training
12 Week Preparation Program
To help prepare you for a career in law enforcement, the Recruitment Team of the Las Vegas
Metropolitan Police Department has instituted a rigorous physical fitness training and education
program. In order to prepare you for the physical fitness test and the Police or Corrections
Officer academy, the LVMPD Recruitment Team has put together a suggested 90 day training
and nutrition program for you to follow. This program is designed to help those individuals who
are currently not participating in a consistent physical fitness training program, or those
individuals who recently began training for the position of Police or Corrections Officer. As with
any rigorous physical fitness training program you should consult a physician to ensure that you
are medically able to participate in such a routine. If you pass the initial physical fitness test and
think you are going to be able to come to the Academy to get into shape, you will fall behind and
increase your chances of injury.
The 12 week preparation program will consist of many different types of physical activity.
During a Police or Corrections Academy recruits will participate in stretching to increase
flexibility, running to improve cardiovascular fitness and various calisthenics and weight training
to increase upper and lower body strength. The following is an overview of all these activities
and how you can use them to prepare yourself for the physical fitness test and the LVMPD
Police or Corrections Officer Academy. The physical activities described below can be viewed
on video on the website, by navigating to “speed &
agility” or “strength & conditioning” under Physical Fitness Test Preparation.
Stretching is important for many reasons and should be included in any physical fitness training
program. Some of the benefits of stretching include but are not limited to:
- Increased range of motion
- Increased agility
- Decreased muscle soreness
- Improved posture
- Improved flexibility
Prior to starting any stretching or exercise program it is important to warm up your body and
gradually increase your heart rate. A warm up could include a brisk walk or a light jog. This will
start to distribute blood as needed to the working muscles. Warming up is how you are preparing
your body for physical activity. After approximately 2-3 minutes of warming up it is safe to
begin to stretch. Stretching should be performed using slow gradual movements, stretching the
targeted area through range of motion, followed by holding a stretch for10-20 seconds. This
should be repeated 3-4 times per muscle group. Once you have completed your exercise session
you should spend time cooling down as well. You should avoid finishing an exercise session and
completely stopping all activity. A cool down consists of the same type of activity as your warm
up. The purpose of the cool down is to gradually lower your heart rate back to normal, and to
redistribute the blood flow as needed throughout your body. Stretching upon completion of

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