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Units of Land Measurements
1 Hectare = 2.5 Acres
1 Acre = 40 Gunthas
1 Guntha= 121 sq.yards = 101.17 sq.metres
1 Guntha= 33 ft. x 33 ft. = 1089 sq.feet
1 Acre= 4840 sq.yards
1 Acre= 4067.23 sq.metres
1 Acre= 43,560 sq.feet
1 sq. yard = 0.8361 sq.metre
1 sq. metre = 1.190 sq.yards
1 sq. yard= 9 sq. feet
1 sq. metre = 10.76 sq.feet
Some terms to remember
Meter Length Kilo Thousand
Liter Volume Milli Thousand
Gram Mass/Weight Centi Hundred
Celsius Temperature Deci Ten
Measure of Lengths
10 millimeters (mm) = 1 centimeter (cm)
10 centimeters = 1 decimeter (dm) = 100
100 centimeter = 1 meter (m) = 1,000 millimeters
1000 meters = 1 kilometer (km)
12 Inches = 1 foot

For all of its faults, it gives most hardworking people a chance to improve themselves economically, even as the deck is stacked in favor of the privileged few. Here are the choices most of us face in such a system: Get bitter or get busy. | Bill O’ Reilly