Sample Resume #1
Iam Bright
1 Perfect Street, Sandy Spring, Maryland 20860
Home: 555.555.5555
Cell: 566.486.2222
email: Iambright@sherwood.com
Sales Associate, The Retail Store, June 2009, Summer and Christmas season 2010
• Maintain and restock inventory
• Provide customer service
• Operate computerized cash register system
• Child Care, September 2005 – Present
• Provide child care for several families after school and on weekends
• National Honor Society: 20011-Present
• Academic Honor Roll: 2008-2011
• Sherwood Scholar Athlete 2008-2011
Volunteer Experience:
• Big Brother/Big Sisters 2008-2011; help at various events throughout the year
• Olney Boys & Girls Club 2009; summer counselor
• Sherwood Relay for Life - May 2009, 2010 and 2011
• Sherwood High School Lacrosse Team JV -2008, Varsity 2009, 2010, 2011
• Girl Scouts – since 2005
• Piano –since 2002
Computer Skills:
Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Web Design