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Service Quality Report
General Order March 11, 2014 Section 302.B
Louisiana Public Service Commission
In re: Regulations for Competition in the Local Telecommunications Market.
Company Name ___________________________________________________________
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________
e-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________
SECTION 302. Reporting Requirements of Telecommunications Services Providers
B. One year from the date of obtaining its Certificate of Authority, and semi-annually
thereafter, all LECs shall file with the Commission retail service quality reports as follows:
Commission Complaints per 10,000 access lines for LECs with more than 100,000 access lines;
or Commission Complaints per 100 access lines for LECs with less than 100,000 access lines
regarding residential telecommunications service.
January thru June _______
July thru December _______
Local Exchange Carriers with more than 100,000 access lines:
Number of Complaints per 10,000 access lines: ______________________
Percent of Complaints per 10,000 access lines: ______________________:
Local Exchange Carriers with less than 100,000 access lines:
Number of Complaints per 100 access lines: ______________________
Percent of Complaints per 100 access lines: ______________________:
If the Commission finds as a result of monitoring that the LEC’s service quality is substandard as
compared to other LECs, the Commission may, after notice and hearing, take action as it deems
necessary and proper to assure a desirable level of service quality, including imposing a monetary
penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation.
C. The Commission may modify these reporting requirements as technology and customer needs
change and as competition in the local market develops.
Semi-Annual Service Quality Reports are to be addressed to the:
Louisiana Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 91154
Baton Rouge Louisiana 70821-9154
Attention: Local Competition Docket; "Service Quality Reports"

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss