Your Street Address
City, ST Postal Code
Kristen F. Harris
Director, Personnel Department
Coastal Products Incorporated
7229 Lakewood Drive
Baltimore, MD 21240
Dear Ms. Harris:
Thank you again for the opportunity to interview for the marketing position on Tuesday, March 25
. I
appreciated your hospitality and enjoyed meeting you and the members of your staff.
The interview convinced me of how compatible my background, interest, and skills are with the goals of
Coastal Products Incorporated. My prior marketing experience with the Department of Commerce has
prepared me to take a major role in developing both domestic and international marketing strategies. I am
confident my work for you would result in increased profits within the first two years.
For more information on the new product promotion program I mentioned, call David Garrett at the
Department of Commerce; his number is (410) 726-0132. I talked to David this morning and mentioned your
interest in this program. Please feel free to call me at (804) 685-5555 if I can provide you with any additional
Again, thank you for the interview and your consideration.
Frederick Bryan
Frederick Bryan
Adapted from National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 2010