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Henry C. Strickland III
Dean & Ethel P. Malugen Professor of Law
A weekly semester publication for law students, faculty and sta.
The Dean’s Weekly Newsletter
In This Edition
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Week of April 24, 2017
Dean’s Message Plan Ahead Announcements Alumni News Faculty Notes Photo of the Week
Plan Ahead
e Academic Support Program invites
the July 2017 Bar Examinees to a
Bar Prep Boot Camp
on Friday, May 19, at 9:00 AM in Room 118,
or on Sunday, May 21, 2017, at 2:00 PM in Room 118.
Kick o your Bar exam preparations with tips about
organization, time management, stress management and
success, through your Bar Prep course and the Bar Exam.
Dean’s Message
very year seems to y by, but this academic year seems to have passed faster than most. I
thank you all for your dedication and hard work that made this a successful year and for your
comradery and professionalism that continued to sustain the culture and legacy that is Cumberland.
I wish everyone a pleasant and productive summer.
Our spring graduates, of course, will be preparing for bar exams. at will require a
tremendous commitment of energy and time from graduation until the exam. I think you will nd the early days
of your bar review courses somewhat enjoyable as you begin to realize how much you have learned in the last three
years and to discover that you really understand most of it. As the days turn to weeks, though, the process becomes at
best tolerable. As that happens, you must keep pushing; do not let your focus and commitment wane. Your diligence
and perseverance will pay o with success on the bar exam.
Finally, I wish for our graduates satisfying and successful careers and lives. Remember that your rst job is not
your career—only part of it. It may take some of you longer to nd your ideal jobs than others, but I am condent
that with work you will nd your niche. As you pursue your goals across the country and around the world,
remember that you have friends here on a hillside in Homewood, Alabama who care and want to help. Please stay in
touch. Godspeed.

One finds limits by pushing them. | Herbert Simon