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L & I SHIP GRANT Safety Training for Small & Medium Sized Wineries
Monthly Safety Training Calendar for Small and Medium Sized Wineries
Suggested Agenda for Monthly Safety Committee Meetings:
1. Have all meetings attendees sign a sign in sheet; on the sign-in sheet include the date/time/topic
2. Discuss the previous month’s incidents and/or near misses
2. Ask employees/members of the safety committee team if they have observed any safety related
issues within the facility that need to be addressed
3. Discuss safety related items or observations that were brought up in previous meetings; update their
status of completion
4. Discuss the safety topic of the month
January Outline the purpose, goals, expectations, routine schedule of the of monthly safety
meetings. Vote in new members.
February Working with and around forklifts/lift jacks/industrial equipment
March Compressed gasses/cylinders
April Emergency Response (medical/fire/natural disasters)
May Material Handling/Ergonomics
June Heat Stress
July Chemical Use and Hazard Communications
August Harvest/Crush pad Safety
September Confined Space
October Personal Protective Equipment
November Emergency Response (medical/fire/natural disasters)
December Fall Protection & Safety Program Year in Review; how does this year stand up to
previous years in terms on Safety (less/more incidents, severity of incidents, etc)

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. | Vidal Sassoon