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Customer Needs Analysis
Many companies find the whole business of advertising confusing and
frustrating. Often we’re just not getting the right kind of advice. Good advertising
choices begin with clear, concise analysis of your business and your goals. Only
then can you make correct decisions about how and how often you should be
advertising. We hope this advertising analysis is helpful.
Section One: Let’s look at your business.
1) What is the exact trade name of the business / service you are focusing on?
Exactly what type of business are you in?
2) What kinds of product service do you sell / provide?
3) Who do you think are the customers you would like to do business with?
(Check all that apply)
Children pre-school
Tweens (7-12)
Teenagers (12-18)
Young Adults (19 -26)
Adults (27-39)
Adults (40-55)
Adults (55-65)
Seniors (65+)
Blue Collar
White Collar
College Grads
Others (please specify)
4) Are there any special traits / activities / hobbies / lifestyle elements your customers need
to have to do business with you? (Please be specific).

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked. | Warren Buffett