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28 MIT Global Education & Career Development
Freshman Resume
Room 123 MIT Dorm, 987 Institute Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (617) xxx-xxxx Email: [email protected]
Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA
Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical/Astronomical Engineering June 2017
Coursework includes: Calculus, Electricity and Magnetism.
Southtown High School Southtown, NS
Valedictorian in class of 128 students; SAT: 1260, ACT: 33 May 2013
Relevant Courses: AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Physics.
Leadership MIT Undergraduate Giving Campaign Cambridge, MA
Experience Class of 2017 Co-Chair November 2014
Trained 12 members from the freshman class in fundraising activities, such as how to ask for a
donation and how to properly document a donation.
Organized a week-long schedule for the 12 members and myself to work at a booth to ask for
Achieved 31% participation within the freshman class, higher than that of the sophomores and
Raised $1,250 from the freshman class for the MIT Public Service Center.
High School Newspaper Southtown, NS
Chief Editor August 2012-May 2013
Proofread each article and authored two to three articles per issue.
Printed one 24-page newspaper per month for 10 months.
Oversaw staff of 14 students. Answered questions regarding articles and page design.
Assistant Editor August 2011-May 2012
Sports Editor August 2010-May 2011
Relay For Life W. Southtown, NS
Team Captain April 2012
Organized a team of 15 students for the Relay for Life.
Coordinated fund-raising efforts through the Beta Club, an organization for students with all As.
Raised $500 for cancer research.
Work Area Supermarkets W. Southtown, NS
Experience Clerk and Bagger January 2012-May 2012
Provided customer service to 100+ people per day. Bagged groceries and received cashier training.
Taco Bell W. Southtown, NS
Team Member June 2011-January 2012
Received cashier and food handling training, worked in a fast-paced environment, and
experienced assembly-line teamwork. Served 100+ people per day.
Activities MIT Varsity Track & Field Team September 2012-Present
& Awards Team Member, Pole Vaulting.
High School Varsity Athletics August 2009-May 2013
Track and Field, Captain; Football, Team Member; Wrestling, Team Member.
STAR Student Award March 2013
Awarded to the senior from each high school in Newstate with the highest SAT score.
Havoline Scholar Athlete Award December 2012
Presented by The National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame, Inc. to the top 40 scholar
athletes in the state of Newstate.
Skills Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Carpentry: Framing, Masonry, Household Electrical Wiring, Flooring, Roofing, Plumbing.
Sample Resumes

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. | Norman Schwarzkopf