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Day Waterman College 2013
Vice Principal Academics Job Description
Job Title:
Vice Principal (Academics)
Responsible to:
Principal/Governing Board
Responsible for:
All staff and pupils within the college
The exact role and specific responsibilities of each Vice Principal will be agreed annually and
will change regularly, to afford each member of the Leadership Team the opportunity to gain
experience in all aspects of college leadership in preparation for Headship.
Each Vice Principal should be prepared to lead on such areas as curriculum development,
timetabling, tracking, and analysis of results/data, behaviour management, pastoral care,
external relations and community links, staff development, training and induction. As
members of the senior leadership team, the Vice Principals will also be centrally involved in
the overall leadership and management of the college, and will help to establish a college
culture that is both nurturing and rigorous.
Main purpose of the job
To support colleagues, including all other members of the Leadership Team, in their
work for the development and improvement of the college
To support and contribute to the process of writing, implementing, evaluating and
reviewing the annual Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP), with an understanding of
its position and relevance in the cycle of college resourcing, improvement and long
term planning
Alongside the Principal, to ensure the safeguarding of all pupils, and that the safety
and wellbeing of pupils and staff is promoted and maintained at all times.
Outcomes and Activities
Leadership and Management
To share responsibility for the management of the college and to contribute to the
consultative and decision-making processes including the formulation of aims and
objectives as appropriate.
To fully support whole college policy decisions, contribute to their establishment and
initiation and sustain their implementation and review.
To actively promote the college and liaise with outside agencies as necessary,
representing the Principal, the college and the Governing Board as appropriate.
To contribute to discussions and decisions at Leadership Team meetings.
To offer information, advice and perspective to the governing board and to any
legitimate external enquiry/evaluation.

Get busy living or get busy dying. | from the “The Shawshank Redemption”