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Documentaion Sheet: Project Work B.Sc.
External Project Works and Bachelor's Thesis
External supervisor
Internal supervisor
Student ID
Company / University / Chair /
Research Area
Chair (Seal)
For supervision and implementation of external project works/ theses, please follow the guidelines below:
1. Before starting the external project, an approval of the Central Examination Board has to be
obtained by each student.
2. In addition, an approval of the Central Examination Office is mandatory.
3. In order to guarantee adequate supervision, the anticipated thesis must fit the field of research
of the mentoring chair.
4. The external institution has to guarantee an adequate academic supervision. Accordingly, the
supervisor must have an academic qualification on the level of at least a university diploma in
equivalent subjects.
5. The external institution has to offer adequate technical equipment for the student and guarantee that
he/she will not only be working as assistant or in the labs.
6. Before starting the work, the topic, the goal and the working process must be clearly defined. The
workflow schedule, which is integrated in the documentation sheet, is mandatory. This plan has to be
signed by all participating supervisors.
7. The student agrees to report (e.g. via email) on his development to the responsible supervisor at least
every four weeks.
8. The student agrees to do a short presentation on his project work in front of the RWTH supervisor before
being graded.
9. External work will be graded according to the same standards as internal work.
10. The external institution is not allowed to ask for a confidentiality agreement, unless there are contractual
obligations or cooperations between the institution and the mentoring chair.
11. If university resources are notably used for implementing the external work, a cooperation agreement is
12. If it is needed, an expertise on the results of the research work can be assigned to the supervising
institute/chair or the supervising field of research.
13. Project work and Bachelor´s Thesis form a part of the examination performances.
We accept the above-mentioned conditions.

People are best convinced by things they themselves discover. | Ben Franklin