Documentaion Sheet: Project Work B.Sc.
(Insitute, Company,
Research Facility)
Supervising research assistant
Note: Please pay
attention to
sheet "External
Project Works
and Bachelor's
Theses" on page
6 if applicable
If applicable external supervisor
The Examination Board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering approves of the faculty-external Project Work before commencement of project work).
Exclusively for faculty-external Project Work (will be filled out by Examination Board)
Registration date of project work / topic handed out
Number of semester upon registration of project work
Processing time / deadline
Registration of Project Work (will be filled out by Central Examination Office)
To be filled out by faculty-intern supervising professor (First Examiner)
Grade / Grade suggestion
To be filled out by faculty-external supervisor; grades may only be assigned by
professors of a German university, other external supervisors have solely the right to
suggest grades
To be filled out for internal thesis by faculty-intern second examiner or if the external
supervisor solely has the right to suggest grades
Arithmetically averaged
Grade of first examiner and
grade of faculty-external
Grade of first examiner and
grade faculty-intern second
The student has achieved a minimum of Credit Points.
Admission to Project Work (will be filled out by Central Examination Office)
Due to the study and examination perfomances the above-named student may be
admitted to the project work.
Individual Paper due to Study Abroad
I request permission from the Examination Board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for writing my project work as an individual paper due to my study abroad.