Melissa Fahy 334-6000 334-1850 melissak@lbgsioux.com
Bob Miller 348-0111 721-0265 bob@thechemistrylab.com
Bob Morrison 673-4824 673-2411 ctybob@gwtc.net
Gary Haag 673-9314 673-9208 ghaag@fs.fed.us
Alan Bakeberg 773-6049 773-6048 alan.bakeberg@state.sd.us
Stevie Holmes 677-6147 Stevie.Holmes@usd.edu
Linda Watts 335-5512 335-0773 lwatts@geotekeng.com
October 20, 2016 Conference Call Agenda
10:30 am CT
Call in Information: 888-285-0307 Conferee Passcode: 8763500#
1. Call meeting to order President Morrison
2. Review and approve minutes from September 28, 2016 meeting Morrison
3. Financial report Watts
4. 2017 8 Hour Refresher Planning Morrison
EAFB breaks, registration and exercise
Aberdeen date,
Flyer with all registration online
Annual Meeting Speaker – quote for Chad Sheehan
5. Association Update Trautman
Email membership renewal and registration information
40 hour discount certificate to member’s only section
6. Opinion/Editorial wording for newsletter – draft review Morrison
7. SD BTP – Workgroup for Remediator/Assessor exams Morrison
8. Other business
9. Schedule Next Meeting
10. Adjourn