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Community Baby Shower Planning Checklist
To Do:
Determine the target audience for the Community Baby Shower for Safe Sleep.
Determine who else in your community serves that population and explore partnering with
them, e.g. community members and leaders, agencies, coalitions. Decide how and when
you want to work together to organize the shower.
Identify the specific needs of your focus population and the objectives of the shower. For
example: How many people do you want to serve? What services do you want to connect
participants with? What do you hope participants learn?
Secure funding through grants, donations, and support from local businesses.
Order supplies for participants at the shower that coincide with your funding and
objectives. Supplies may include cribs, wearable blankets, pacifiers, Safe Sleep DVDs,
safe sleep magnets, SIDS brochures, educational materials, and bags to put everything in.
Confirm the date and time for the Community Baby Shower for Safe Sleep.
Identify and reserve the event space.
Book exhibitors to participate in the shower, including persons who can provide safe sleep
education, health insurance applications, prenatal services, home visiting programs, etc.
Mail/email exhibitors a booth reservation form.
Recruit volunteers as needed. Volunteers can help with cribs, registration, refreshments,
surveys and evaluations, and set up/tear down.
If including a raffle, contact local businesses and agencies for prizes for caregivers and
Organize event day itinerary and tasks for volunteers and hosts.
Design and print promotional materials, such as flyers, posters, and yard signs.
Advertise event through use of social media, newspaper, community announcements,
radio, TV, and by distributing and posting flyers and yard signs. Send out press releases.
Assemble packets for participants.
Determine transportation for cribs and other supplies to the Community Baby Shower
location, e.g. U-Haul.
Order refreshments, serving supplies, and decorations. Keep in mind when ordering
refreshments, the parents may bring other children and/or their support people with them.
Print out Parent Survey for Safe Sleep and Cribs for Kids Hold Harmless Agreement for all
participants. Bring plenty of writing utensils and something to write on.
Set up registration table prior to event.
Organize room by setting up seating for participants to view the Safe Sleep for Babies
video, tables for exhibitors, refreshments table, presentation area, etc.
Test the audiovisual equipment.
After the shower, plan a time to regroup with key contributors. Identify how things went,
what worked well, and what changes to make in the future.
Thank everyone who contributed to the event.
Community Baby Shower for Safe Sleep

I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. | Oprah Winfrey