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Annual leave policy of _(Insert Company Name)_____________________
Annual leave for you, as an employee of ___________(Insert Company Name)______, will accrue as
it is specified in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act:
15 days per year or 21 consecutive days (if you work a five-day week); and
18 days per year, or 21 consecutive days (if you work a six-day week).
You will accrue 1.25 days of leave per month, which works out to 1 day for every 17 days you work.
Procedure for applying for leave: If you want to apply for leave, you must fill out a leave form and
submit this to your line manager for approval two weeks before you want to take the leave. If you
want to take 10 working days or more, you must submit this to your line manager for approval four
weeks before your want to take the leave.
You may take your annual leave up to six months after the end of your leave cycle. So, if you start
with the company on 1 April of a particular year, your leave cycle will run to 31 March of the next
year. If you still have leave owing to you on 31 March, you may still take this leave until 30
September of that year.
If you fall ill during a period you’re on annual leave, we will convert the period you’re sick to sick
leave. However, you must provide a sick note from your medical practitioner before we can convert
the annual leave to sick leave. If you don’t have any sick leave, we won’t be able to make this
We close over the festive period. You must take annual leave over this period and you need to
ensure that you have enough leave to take over this period.
When you apply for paid annual leave, we may or may not grant your request, depending on the
company’s operational requirements. However, the request will be considered reasonably.
If you have remaining annual leave:
If/when you resign;
If you are dismissed;
When you retire; or
If you die;
We will pay you out (or your family in the case of death)for this leave. Annual leave will not be paid
out under any other circumstances.

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein